Wellness Policy
SBUSD Wellness Policy
"There is a link between student health and learning. Thus, we desire to promote healthy eating and physical activity for all our students by reinforcing students' understanding and appreciation of the importance of a healthy lifestyle."
At Adams, the PTA is committed to supporting the District's policies and will encourage parents and teachers to make healthy food choices everyday. Adams' PTA will
- Only use healthy food items or non-food items for fundraising purposes.
- Avoid the use of non-nutritious foods as a reward for students' academic performance, accomplishments, or classroom behavior.
- Class parties or celebrations shall be held after the lunch period and will include healthy food items.
Healthy Tiger Party SnacksBelow is a list of healthy options for classroom parties and birthday celebrations. We encourage parents to select items from this list and coordinate any classroom food distribution with your child's teacher and room parents.
- Fruit kebabs
- Fresh fruit tray
- Smoothies
- Pretzels & cheese
- Trail Mix (ask teacher if nuts are OK)
- Yogurt, berry and granola parfaits
- Strawberry and cream cheese dip
- Popcorn
- Low-sugar muffins (with no frosting)
Healthy Lunch Options
The Adams cafeteria offers FREE delicious homemade breakfast and lunches every day to EVERY student. Students may choose one of two hot entrees plus fresh, organic fruits and vegetables from our salad bar. Organic milk is also available for FREE every day to every student.
If your child wishes to bring a lunch from home, please be considerate of our school's and district's Wellness Policy and do not include high sugar treats, sugary drinks (such as Gatorade, soda, or Capri Sun) or highly processed foods such as chips and cookies (Cheetos, Doritos, Oreos) in your child's lunches.
Below are a few ideas of a healthy lunch to bring to school.